Interim Dean and Leadership

The Rev. Al Holland

Interim Dean
Al Holland’s ministry has focused on building multicultural and multiethnic congregations.






The life and work of the Cathedral is governed by the Cathedral Chapter, the legal corporation on which the Diocesan Bishop serves as chair, and the Dean of the Cathedral as president. Twelve of the fifteen members (both clergy and lay) are drawn from across the Diocese, nominated by the Bishop and ratified by the Diocesan Convention. Three members are appointed from the Cathedral congregation. The term of office is three years.

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Guttiérrez

Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania
The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez was consecrated on July 16, 2016 serving as the 16th bishop of the historic Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, which is the second oldest and fourth largest in the Episcopal Church. After his initial “listening pilgrimage” to all of the Diocese’s 133 parishes, Gutiérrez became focused on emphasizing the sacred presence of Jesus Christ and a call to holiness. In addition, the focus is empowering laity, inspiring creative solutions for church growth, emphasizing the missions of the church, social justice, poverty and ensuring that transparency is part of everything.



Honorary Canons of the Cathedral

Mr. Wilson M. Brown, III
Mr. John Canterbury
Mr. Gie Liem
Ms. Lisa Liem
Mr. Norman McClave, III
The Rev. Canon Stephen Price*
Mr. Eric Rabe 

The Rev. Canon Emily B Richards*
The Very Rev. Canon Martini Shaw
Ms. Nokomis Wood
