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Homecoming Sunday

 10:00 am - Festal Eucharist

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

As the summer ends, it is time to come home to your church family. This is the perfect Sunday to reconnect with old friends, to meet new ones as we welcome back the Cathedral Singers under the direction of Dr. Thomas Lloyd.  Bring your friends for a morning of special worship. Enjoy our annual “Ministry Fair” followed by a spectacular potluck luncheon.  The Rev. Dr. Charles Lattimore Howard will be the preacher with The Very Reverend Al Holland presiding.

We are pleased to welcome Erik Meyer as our Cathedral Organist and three new Cathedral schola singers: Cat Dean, Emily Byrne and De'Ron McDaniel. Musical offerings for this Sunday include Grand Chœr Dialogué  by Eugène Gigout and Toccata & Fugue in F major, BuxWV 157 by Dietrich Buxtehude along with choral anthems Walk together Children, arranged by Hall Johnson and Touch me, Lord Jesus, by Lucie Campbell.   Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!