The Cathedral Arts program is an essential component of the mission of the Philadelphia Cathedral to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and to be an agent of Christ’s love.
The Cathedral building itself is a magnificent piece of artwork: blending Victorian architecture and historically significant stained glass windows with modern surfaces, contemporary lighting and completely flexible seating. The nave is one of the most coveted spaces in the city for displays of painting, photography, and sculpture. Exhibits change with each liturgical season throughout the year and provide a visual context for the wide varied of liturgies and cultural programs offered in the Cathedral.
The art exhibits are one of the most important ways that the Cathedral reaches out to a wide variety of its constituencies, emphasizing the work of local artists in the congregation, in West Philadelphia, throughout the City of Philadelphia, and in the five-county Diocese of Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Chapter of Episcopal Church and the Visual Arts is located at the Cathedral, through which we draw from Episcopalian artists from around the country. We work cooperatively with other local arts groups, galleries, museums and educational institutions.
Meet our Cathedral Artists!
There is also a growing collection of work that is on revolving display, including works that have been donated to the permanent collection plus several works on temporary or semi-permanent loan.
Thomas Lloyd is the Cathedral’s Director of Music and Arts.