Welcome to Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

A seat for the bishop, a home for the diocese, an open door for all

We proclaim by word and example the gospel of Jesus Christ and we reaffirm our baptismal covenant: To respect the dignity of every human being, strive for justice and peace among all people, and seek and serve Christ in all persons. We are concerned about the increase in statements and actions in our nation that target particular groups of people based on their skin color, their religious affiliation, their gender or orientation, their abilities, or their country of birth. These are artificial divisions that we vehemently denounce as discriminatory and disrespectful. ~From our "Statement of Commitment and Action"


We are searching for a New Dean - Read the Profile of our Cathedral Congregation here.

Here's a video tour including historic images of our holy space.



Join us for Sunday Worship @ 10 am

In Person


Map and Parking Directions

Download the service leaflet for Sunday, October 6.

Noonday Eucharists Wednesday & Friday will resume in September after a summer break.  If you require weekday pastoral care, please call the Cathedral Office at 215-386-0234.

Learn more about worship and prayer at the cathedral.

Our Statement of Commitment and Action: Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Covenant

Upcoming Events

Piffaro Concert - 650th Anniversary of Petrarch's Death

 7:30 p.m.

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

Francesco Petrarch, considered the founder of humanism, was the most influential poet of the Italian Renaissance. He wrote of timeless themes in his Triumphs - Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time, Eternity - each more powerful than the last. Our musical interpretation, created by Grant Herreid, will run the gamut of 16th century styles: from light-hearted carnival songs of the early Renaissance, through polyphonic madrigals of Cipriano de Rore and Orlando de Lassus, to the beginnings of 17th century monody.

Full Details


Opening Eucharist for the 241st Diocesan Convention

 6:30 p.m.

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

The Right Reverend Daniel G. P. GutiĆ©rrez, XVI Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, will be the Presider and Preacher for the opening Eucharist for the 241st Diocesan Convention.  We welcome our sisters and brothers from across the Diocese for this sacred liturgy as we prepare for our annual Diocesan Convention.  A reception will follow this evening's Eucharist.  

Full Details


All Saints' Day - Festal Eucharist

 10:00 a.m.

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

Join us for the beautiful celebration of All Saints' Sunday as the Cathedral community commemorates saints of the church and our loved ones and wraps itself in our prayer shawl of remembrance created by fabric artist Marie Elcin who is a member of the Cathedral congregation.

Full Details


News & Articles

Get Involved

Whatever brings you to the cathedral community you are most welcome! We'd love to get to know you and help you find your place within our diverse and loving community. Fill out a newcomers form

The best way to belong to the cathedral is to get involved in one of our ministries. To work out where you might fit we have a survey designed to help you find your place of ministry within our community. Fill out the survey

We also encourage members to support the cathedral financially. When we get financially committed we get our heart committed too! You can give online here, fill out an online pledge for 2024 here or if you're a pen and paper kind of person, you can download a printable pledge form for 2024 here.

Visit Us or Get in Touch

Please visit us at:

19 S. 38th Street  
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Our mailing address and offices are at:

3717 Chestnut Street, Suite 200 
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phone us: 215-386-0234

Email: info@philadelphiacathedral.org

Map and Parking Directions